ty bouque at MaerzMusik
Baritone ty bouque performs A general interrupter to ongoing activity at the MaerzMusik festival in Berlin, on a solo program also including works by Georges Aperghis and Timothy M

ty bouque at Conservatorium Gent
Baritone ty bouque performs A general interrupter to ongoing activity at the Conservatorium Gent, Belgium.

ty bouque at the Manhattan School of Music
Baritone ty bouque presents A general interrupter to ongoing activity at the Manhattan School of Music in New York, NY.

hyphen in Gothenburg
Daniel Alin of ensemble hybrid performs hyphen in the PanJál Scenstudio in Gothenburg, Sweden.

"indolentiae ars" at the AFEKT Festival
Carl Rosman plays my extended solo for eighteenth-century basset clarinet “indolentiae ars”, a medium to be kept at the AFEKT Festival in Tallinn, Estonia.

Nicolas Hodges premiere in Amsterdam
PIanist Nicolas Hodges gives the premiere of A fountain at the Orgelpark in Amsterdam.

"General interrupter" at Divergent Studio
Ty Bouque presents A general interrupter to ongoing activity as part of a lecture-recital at the Divergent Studio program at the Longy School of Music in Cambridge, MA.

"2 Rückenfiguren" premiere in Cologne
Carl Rosman gives the concert premiere of my 2021 pair of vocal miniatures 2 Rückenfiguren on the “Montags in der Musikfabrik” concert series at the Musikfabrik studio in Cologne.

"Medee fu" at Southampton
Ben Smith and Mimi Doulton give the UK premiere of the fragmentary transcription pair Medee fu en amer veritable / Ma dame n’a pas ainsy fait a moy at Turner Sims Hall at the University of Southampton.

ELISION at Klangbrücken
Carl Rosman and Alex Waite of ELISION give the the German premiere of contemptus mundi for C clarinet and piano as part of the Klangbrücken Festival in Hannover, Germany.

Alex Waite at the Concours d'Orléans
Alex Waite plays three reversed movements, to bring destroyed objects back to life as part of his competition program at the Concours International de Piano d’Orléans.

SWR Profile
SWR2 Jetztmusik presents a profile of me and my work, including an interview and broadcast of works including Plan and section of the same reservoir, die bewegung der augen, and Apostrophe 2 (pressing down on my sternum).

Orest Smovzh plays "clutch" in Berlin
Violinist Orest Smovzh includes clutch in a program of violin miniatures as part of the Kyiv Contemporary Music Days in Berlin.

ty bouque presents "A general interrupter"
Baritone ty bouque gives a lecture-recital featuring A general interrupter to ongoing activity at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag.

"three in" and "vo mesurando" in New York
ekmeles presents my set of two small madrigals from 2012, three in, ad abundantiam (“solo e pensoso”) and vo mesurando, at the DiMenna Center in New York City.

“dust book” 2.-3. at Leeds
Marco Fusi plays two pieces from dust book for viola d’amore (2.: several canons; 3.: in modo parentetico) at the University of Leeds.

"in nomines..." live premiere
Ensemble Musikfabrik gives the long-delayed live premiere of my ca. forty-minute work for clarinet and string trio, in nomines (1-4), surrogates, limbs, etc. on a Montagskonzert in their studio space in Cologne.

loadbang at BoCo
loadbang performs my pouert and goyng ouer as part of a residency at the Boston Conservatory of Music.

“dust book” premieres at Darmstadt
Marco Fusi presents the first performance of the ca. fifty-minute dust book for viola d’amore at the Darmstadt Summer Courses.

"Largo calligrafico" in Munich
Salim Javaid performs Largo calligrafico / “patientiam” at the aDevantgarde Festival in Munich.

Musikfabrik: "L'art de toucher le clavecin, 3"
Musikfabrik performs L’art de toucher le clavecin, 3 in Cologne on their “Montags in der Musikfabrik” concert series.

Lecture and teaching at the HMTM Hannover
Delivering a lecture on my recent work (and Leonel Power, and Giorgio Morandi, and fog and dust) and meeting with students at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien in Hannover, Germany.

loadbang at Cornell
Tyler Bouque performs A general interrupter to ongoing activity on a loadbang program at Cornell University.

“mes pleurants” in London
Ben Smith plays the work I wrote for him in 2020, mes pleurants, at City University London on a truly beautiful program with works by John Dowland, Christian Drew, Lawrence Dunn, Eva-Marie Houben, Josquin Desprez, Philippe de Monte, Luigi Nono, and Pierre Sandrin.

“Largo calligrafico” in Köln
Saxophonist Salim Javaid gives the German premiere of Largo calligrafico / “patientiam” at the LOFT performance space in Köln.

“contemptus mundi” premiere in Leeds
Carl Rosman and Alex Waite, of ELISION, give the premiere of contemptus mundi for clarinet in C and piano at the University of Leeds.

RNCM Lecture
Lecture on my work at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester (UK).

Trio Accanto at Ultraschall
Trio Accanto perform Plan and section of the same reservoir alongside works by Mirela Ivičević and Rebecca Saunders at the Ultraschall Festival in Berlin.

Presentation in Den Haag
Presentation of recent works at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag.

Public lecture at the University of Leeds
“L’art de toucher”: on some recent keyboard music. The 2022 Whewell Lecture at the University of Leeds (UK); open to the public, and streamed live online.

“Del maravigliarsi” premiere at hcmf//
Pianist Ben Smith and soprano Patricia Auchterlonie premiere Del maravigliarsi and a setting of the famous anonymous ars subtilior ballade Medée fu en amer veritable in a mini-portrait concert at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival.